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Food Industry Logistics

The transportation of food from one place to another around the world is linked to the history of humanity. Processed or raw food is transported across continents by land, air or sea. Food transportation is also an important indicator of the interdependence of the world. Food transportation offers a much more effective service thanks to logistics solutions that are renewed and developed every day.

What is Food Industry Logistics?

Food logistics is a very important part of the logistic services. It helps to feed people and stimulate world trade in a good way. When it comes to food logistics, temperature and freshness are principal concerns. Perishable goods must be transported quickly from one point to another. Speed is therefore of high importance in food transportation. For perishable goods airway transportation can be a good option to deliver them in a safe way.


In seaway transportation bulk cargo shipping can deliver huge quantities of grain and oil. Grain can also be transported seamlessly from one point to another via bulk transportation. Another advantage of bulk transportation is its capacity to transport very high volumes of goods.

What is Cold Chain Shipping?

Proper temperature in food transportation facilitates the transportation of products. In food logistics, the cold chain has made it possible to transport many perishable foods across continents.


In cold chain logistics, which can be defined as the provision and maintenance of the temperature levels required for the protection of products in all of the transportation, storage, handling and other logistics activities, the purpose is to ensure that they remain at the appropriate temperature so that dangerous microorganisms and bacteria do not produce and deteriorate in the distance they travel from the point of production to the point of distribution. The supply chain must not be broken in any way to ensure that product quality and food values do not deteriorate.

Refeer container transportation is one of the most preferred solutions for cold chain.Reefer container transportation is one of the most reliable methods among food logistics solutions, allowing organic unprocessed foods such as meat, milk, vegetables and fruits to maintain their freshness.Configuring additional settings such as humidity, ventilation and atmosphere control in reefer container transportation is also important for the desired transportation of products.Vegetables, meat and dairy products should be shipped at a range of humidity and temperature values. Therefore, you should choose the refeer container solution you prefer depending on these variables.

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